Fake.Pearl: Maybe Not Just Another Soulless Pop Star.

DG: Good morning! Thanks for joining us for Disgrabled News. Do you think social media helps, or hurts music creators?
FAKE.PEARL: Both? Neither? I feel like it’s a blown up extension of something that already existed within us, I don’t know how much it’s really effected the artistic process.
DG: What was the moment that made you want to become a music artist

Fake.Pearl: Id always wanted to be a performer in one way or another, ever since I can remember, one of my earliest memories is dancing to kylie minogue “can’t get you outta my head” singing the words completely wrong for my grandparents in their living room, in my teen years I became super obsessed with writing short stories, poems and especially visual art like painting and drawing and making textiles, I idolised and felt incredibly drawn to all of the weirdo pop stars like lady Gaga, Marilyn Manson, David Bowie, but I didn’t really think about making music, until I was 19 years old and first saw my drag queen friend performing to Sophie’s “immaterial”. Nothing had ever just sliced me open and grabbed my attention like that before, I felt like I was being beaten to the floor by pure creative energy.

DG: What was your goal for your first release ‘Bridgewood’?
FAKE.PEARL: I didn’t really plan or think too much about it, but I suppose subconsciously I wanted to distill myself into a subtle and easily consumable package while retaining the essence of who I am as an artist. I wanted to ease the potential listener into the world of Fake.Pearl softly, I’m still breaking all of the rules, but quietly and modestly. I liked the way Grace Jones delivered the harsh spoken word parts in “private life” and I wanted to do something similar with my own sonic pallete.
DG: What excites you the most about your style of music?
FAKE.PEARL: I’m excited to witness and be part of a whole new world where art isnt bound by the same rules and limitations as it has been. I think we’ve kind of been in that space for a while but only brushed the potential, there’s really nothing left to do that hasn’t been done before, which I find quite exciting and liberating, to do new things that maybe no ones thought to do yet because traditionally it never counted as REAL music.

DG: What makes you not just another artist?
FAKE.PEARL: Hmmm I’ll let you decide 🙂 in my eyes I’m just another soulless pop star.
DG: What are personal your thoughts on AI music?
FAKE.PEARL: It’s exciting and scary! I think quickly it will be neither of those things and just another tool at our disposal. People had the same attitude when digital came around, digital vs analogue, neither is really any better and there is different skill to both, you also would never be able to achieve alone in a lifetime using analogue only what you could digitally, I think the same applies to AI.
DG: What has been the most surprising thing to happen to you this year?
FAKE.PEARL: Getting signed with Disgrabled Records!
DG: Where are some of your favorite places to travel?
FAKE.PEARL: I have yet to travel far but I look forward to it.
DG: What’s something that you wish happened more in today’s music industry?
FAKE.PEARL: True freedom, and creativity, I think everything we do is dictated by the ego and I don’t know if I’ve ever even seen anything creative and unique happen ever in my lifetime, I don’t know if that’s even possible anymore.
DG: Who are you listening to right now, music-wise?
FAKE.PEARL: I’m on a 2010’s nostalgia binge ATM, I can’t stop singing old lady Gaga and Lana del Rey songs, party rocking by LMFAO has been stuck in my head all day today.
Don’t Forget To Follow Fake.Pearl On Instagram And Listen To Their Music On All Streaming Platforms!

Disgrabled Editorial | September 03, 2024 | 3 min read
Let your ears feast on fake.pearl